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Eastern Christian High School is looking forward to our 2020 Spiritual Emphasis Week from Monday, January 27 through Friday, January 31. We are going to start the semester off right with a week of special chapels, focus groups with local pastors, praise and worship, prayer groups, and student testimonies. We are blessed to have Pastor Rob Parker and Pastor Richard Jones, Sr. with us throughout the week. Our focus will be on the theme of Light + Life: Being a People of Every Nation, Tribe, and Tongue. This theme naturally connects with our theme for the school year, Every Nation, Tribe and Tongue. 

The Project Focus group and Bible and Worship team have teamed up to plan and lead this week. This took a great deal of effort to plan. Special thanks to EC teachers Belen Araneda, Stephen Bailey, Leah Genuario, Carrie Johnson, and Jim Uitermarkt for making this happen. 

The week kicks off Monday before students even arrive back for second semester. Parents and staff are invited to the Prayer Walk on January 27 from 7:00-8:00 PM. The rest of the week is full of activities to look forward to. The full schedule is below:


  • Monday, January 27– Prayer Walk 7:00-8:00 PM – Parents & staff invited!
  • Tuesday, January 28– Chapel with Pastor Rob Parker 9:35-10:15 AM
  • Wednesday, January 29– Chapel with Pastor Richard Jones, Sr. 9:35- 10:15 AM
  • Thursday, January 30- Part 1. Panel Discussion with Pastors 11:30-11:50 AM
    • New Life (Fundamentals of the Christian Faith)
    • Deeper Life (Growing in Faith)
  • Thursday, January 30- Part 2: Optional Lunch: Talk to and pray with pastors and Project Focus students
  • Friday, January 31- Part 1: Reflection, Testimonies, and Praise and Worship 2:30-3:00 PM
  • Friday, January 31- Part 2: Evening Worship Service 7:30-9:00 PM

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